Calculate Your Wilks Score

Use this Wilks calculator to calculate your Wilks coefficient. The Wilks Coefficient (aka Wilks Formula) is used to measure the strength of a powerlifter against other powerlifters despite different bodyweights between the lifters. The creator of the formula is Robert Wilks, CEO of Powerlifting Australia.

Measurement System
Pounds Kilograms

Male Female

Body Weight
Lifted Weight

Wilks Coefficient Formula

The total weight lifted is multiplied by the Wilkes Coefficient to find the standard amount lifted normalized across all body weights.

Coeff = 500/(a + bx + cx2 + dx3 + ex4 +fx5)


x is the body weight of the lifter in kilograms and

Coefficients for men are:

a = -216.0475144
b = 16.2606339
c = -0.002388645
d = -0.00113732
e = 7.01863E-06
f = -1.291E-08
Coefficients for women are:
a = 594.31747775582
b = -27.23842536447
c = 0.82112226871
d = -0.00930733913
e = 4.731582E-05
f = -9.054E-08

The Wilks formula primarily used in Powerlifting contests to identify the best lifters regardless of body weight. i can also beused to compare male and female lifters. The formula addresses the imbalances where lighter lifters tend to have a greater power-to-weight ratio, as lighter lifters tend to lift more weight in relation to their body weight. The Wilks system is a handicapping process that provides an adjusted method to compare all lifters on an equal standing. The Wilks Coefficient places a greater emphasis on absolute strength rather than ranking lifters solely based on the relative strength of the lifter compared to his or her body weight. This creates an even playing field between light and heavyweight lifters.